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Over one million workers commute daily to São Paulo City center, using different modes of transportation. The São Paulo subway network reaches 74.2 km of length and is involved in around 20% of the commuting trips by public transportation, enhancing mobility and productivity of workers. This paper uses an integrated framework to assess the higher-order economic impacts of the existing underground metro infrastructure. We consider links between mobility, accessibility and labor productivity in the context of a detailed metropolitan system embedded in the national economy. Simulation results from a spatial computable general equilibrium model integrated to a transportation model suggest positive economic impacts that go beyond the city limits. While 32% of the impacts accrue to the city of São Paulo, the remaining 68% benefit other municipalities in the metropolitan area (11%), in the State of São Paulo (12.0%) and in the rest of the country (45%).  相似文献   
A new approach for improving the performance of freight train timetabling for single-track railways is proposed. Using the idea of a fixed-block signaling system, we develop a matrix representation to express the occupation of inter- and intra-station tracks by trains illustrating the train blocking time diagram in its entirety. Train departure times, dwell times, and unnecessary stopping are adjusted to reduce average train travel time and single train travel time. Conflicts between successive stations and within stations are identified and solved. A fuzzy logic system is further used to adjust the range of train departure times and checks are made to determine whether dwell times and time intervals can be adjusted for passenger and freight trains at congested stations to minimize train waiting times. By combining manual scheduling expertise with the fuzzy inference method, timetable efficiency is significantly improved and becomes more flexible.  相似文献   
Rural areas generally have lower and more dispersed demands for travel which cannot sustain conventional public transport services and consequently have a greater number of flexible and demand responsive transport services operating. These services usually operate on a stand-alone basis, are often subsidized and are typically only accessible by certain passenger types or for specific trip purposes. This generally results in uncoordinated and inefficient transport provision overall. The Flexible integrated transport services (FITS) system featured in this paper has been designed to address this problem. FITS can be used as a planning tool to assess potential benefits from relaxing operating constraints (e.g., a service's operating boundaries), which can potentially suggest service redesign. It also includes the capacity to assign subsidy payments on a trip by trip basis to increase cost efficiency whilst meeting a greater proportion of transport needs. The case study in the paper focusses on transport to health in the Aberdeenshire and Morayshire areas of Scotland in the UK. Despite flexible transport operators receiving public funds to meet passenger needs, this is currently being supplemented by public bodies paying large amounts in taxi fares in instances where there is a statutory obligation to provide travel but where no other suitable transport service exists. The results demonstrate the potential substantial savings which could be realized by allowing transport operators to redesign their services by relaxing constraints and by the reassignment of subsidies: resulting in more passenger demands being met and a reduction in public spending on taxi fares.  相似文献   
林晓东  李晓军  林浩 《隧道建设》2018,38(6):963-970
为解决在盾构隧道工程中,地理信息系统(GIS)标准缺失和建筑信息模型(BIM)分析功能薄弱的问题,在分析GIS的数据管理和BIM的数据标准基础上,建立集成GIS/BIM的盾构隧道全寿命期管理系统。首先,概括总结系统采用的技术路线; 其次,基于IFC标准扩展统一的盾构隧道信息模型,涵盖盾构隧道地质、结构、线路、施工、监测和病害等数据; 然后,介绍系统信息的关联,包括隧道编码、GIS和BIM的集成方案; 最后,以上海地铁盾构隧道为依托,描述系统在工程全寿命期的应用,包括隧道地质勘察、结构设计、运营监测和养护维护等阶段。该系统制定了统一信息模型,方便数据交换和管理,在信息模型基础上实现了信息可视化与不同分析功能,提高了盾构隧道的全寿命数字化管理水平。  相似文献   
为应对岩石地质条件下城市地铁隧道施工工况的特殊性,对应用于青岛地铁2号线的双护盾TBM进行适应性设计。盾体采用模块化设计并在前盾安装配合稳定器工作的辅助支撑,管片吊运直接由吊机喂送至拼装机,后配套出碴配置梭式皮带机,采用满足小转向半径掘进的双激光靶导向系统,从而保证隧道施工过程中装机、始发、掘进、出碴、过站、小曲线半径掘进和洞内拆机等工况的顺利实施,取得良好的应用效果。通过对施工过程中掘进参数、衬砌变形和地表沉降等应用效果的分析,验证了双护盾TBM选型的正确性和对青岛地质的适应性。  相似文献   
隧道TBM施工采用有轨运输方式出碴时,掘进过程中矿车卸碴布料涉及工序较多,且牵引列车编组的内燃机车持续运行会增加尾气排放,造成隧道内空气污染。应用于青岛地铁隧道施工的双护盾TBM的后配套配置了移动式布料皮带机,该皮带机可实现往复移动和正反向运行为矿车卸碴布料。对该移动式布料皮带机的工作原理、结构组成、移动方式、张紧方式和驱动方式等进行研究,并分析其应用效果。实践证明,该技术应用于TBM后配套出碴可行、实用,简化了施工工序并提高了工作效率。  相似文献   
硬岩隧道掘进机的性能很大程度上取决于其切削刀具的磨损情况。刀具的磨损会降低掘进速度,进而导致掘进时间延长、项目成本增加。通常在隧道项目的规划阶段使用预测模型来进行磨损预测,而常规的磨损试验对磨损系统的考虑还不够准确,并没有考虑到刀具/土体的相互作用、周围介质(水、膨润土)以及掘进过程中的荷载等因素。针对该问题,专门设计了一个水平放置的磨损试验设备。本文介绍了该试验方法,研究并讨论了磨损系统相关因素对磨损率的影响。结果表明,该设备可模拟真实的掘进过程,很好地解决了上述问题,达到了高效、准确预测磨损的效果。  相似文献   
李东利  孙伟  钟庆丰  孟祥波  高明  冯硕 《隧道建设》2018,38(9):1585-1590
为了在复合盾构掘进过程中实时监测土舱的情况,获得刀盘的旋转状态、刀具的磨损状况、开挖地层的图像信息和渣土的流动特性,建立一套土舱可视化实时监测系统,该系统通过上位机监控系统实时监测前端设备的工作状态,并将摄像机采集的信号实时传输到视频采集系统。介绍该系统方案,重点探讨其结构设计、硬件设计、软件设计,并通过室内和现场试验进行验证该系统的有效性。结果表明,该系统可实现土舱的实时视频监控、录像、回放以及系统温度、湿度和压力的监测。  相似文献   
为保证在不具备整体始发空间的条件下双护盾TBM分体始发顺利实施,以青岛地铁1号线海泊桥站为例,针对城市地铁隧道施工始发场地有限的客观条件,以实现施工功能为导向,通过配套设备的优化布置并最大限度地利用双护盾TBM自身配置实现有限场地内最经济的TBM分体始发,并对分体始发的基本方案进行探讨。经研究分析可知: 1)分体始发时双护盾TBM需具备的基本配套系统为高(低)压供电系统及控制系统、冷却水系统、液压系统、润滑系统、脂密封系统、压缩空气系统、豆砾石回填系统、注浆系统、导向系统及除尘系统; 2)通过管线、线缆的延伸,双护盾TBM可在主机与后配套之间或主机与部分后配套之间任何位置断开。  相似文献   
三维物探船拖带数字地震电缆能力是衡量物探船作业效率的重要依据。本船在设计初期,为可扩充为三维六缆的物探船。随着设计深入,对于船舶的空间及动力系统,稳性,船体结构强度等进行合理评估,尾部物探作业系统进行了进一步的优化,升级为国内第一艘三维八缆作业的物探船。通过对尾部物探作业系统的合理空间位置预留,为升级改造提供了可行的方案。经过此次升级改造,提高了本船的物探作业效率,物探作业性能指标达到国际先进水平。  相似文献   
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